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List of Monthly Drawing Challenges for WHOLE Year

Update 01-04-2018: I did it! I uploaded for Inktober 2017! Well, I'm still uploading for it. But that's because I want to hit my go...

Monday, July 30, 2018

First drawing video! Portrait in profile

YAS! First drawing video I've ever done is up! I've always been super nervous about that sort of thing but I did it and I'm excited to do another... hopefully with better lighting next time. I decided to edit two versions since I need the practice with editing anyway. I'm working with really basic equipment to start because I don't want to invest $1000's right out the gate on something that I might grow out of in a couple months? So let's see where this goes. I love watching YouTube art related videos but we'll have to wait and see if I'm up for the whole recording, editing, uploading process long term.

Speed version - 4x speed

Full version - 1x speed

with love - M

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