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List of Monthly Drawing Challenges for WHOLE Year

Update 01-04-2018: I did it! I uploaded for Inktober 2017! Well, I'm still uploading for it. But that's because I want to hit my go...

Monday, April 25, 2016

Sketch Diary: Zenkaikon 2015

So last year I bought a cute little hard back sketch book and took it with me to Zenkaikon 2015, an anime/game/all the things convention in Lancaster, PA. Scrawled this little ditty while waiting for one of the panels. That's me up top, Joel on the right, and Kyle hanging down below. The three of us did the Con again this year, 2016, and it was fabulous. Really, they did a great job. I've got grandiose  plans of doing my own panel next year and having a table at the artist alley... we'll see. I've always wanted to do these things, give something back to a community that has given me support, camaraderie, and inspiration over the years. Either way, I'll be back again next year for sure. Lancaster is such a cute town to have it in, too. Reasonably priced, close to home, win win.

with love - M

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