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Update 01-04-2018: I did it! I uploaded for Inktober 2017! Well, I'm still uploading for it. But that's because I want to hit my go...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pregnancy Photo Shoot: Nicole and The Bump

Memories...This little photo shoot was done just a month or so before my dearest friend Nicole had her first baby. It's true what they say, she really was glowing. I definitely have a fascination with how beautiful the baby bump looks on women. Hopefully I'll be luck enough to shoot her again, should the need arise ^.-

Taking these shots was so easy in some ways and so hard in others. Easy because Nikki is almost always so picture perfect, it's hard to take a bad shot of someone who smiles so genuinely. But super hard because I was stressed out she wouldn't like how she looked in the photos. Even if I thought she looked fabulous in a certain pose, it can be hard to convince pregnant women of that fact. Sometimes all we see is all that extra weight, right ladies?!

But I stand by my choice of shots. I wish I hadn't made her get up and down and walk all over the complex as much I did. I think she's forgiven me.

This is my favorite shot. Click here to go to the full album. New growth, new baby, new beginnings.

with love- M

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