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List of Monthly Drawing Challenges for WHOLE Year

Update 01-04-2018: I did it! I uploaded for Inktober 2017! Well, I'm still uploading for it. But that's because I want to hit my go...

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sketch Diary: TBT - Ram's horn guide and her ward

At the time, I had some kind of story in mind for these two. They never made it so far as to have names but they had personalities. The girl/woman there with the horns was this kids guide, his guardian. I think the idea was that she could only be seen him and other people that had their own guardians. Now in my defense, this was before I knew about Deathnote and such so no, I was not pulling my idea from there. It was more of a Faerie world kind of thing.

The young man pictured here, clasping his papers tight was supposed to be a bit melancholy and his counterpart was the opposite. She was realistic, however, about his chances of not making it ie. being killed by some monster or another sometime soon. She just had a good hold on making peace with whatever might happen before it actually happened or something like that. Something I find myself aspiring to quite a bit nowadays interestingly... Maybe I should revisit the idea.

Oh and she isn't really a she... or he. Just a being. No private bits to speak of and no need for that sort of thing for any of the guardians. There was a reason for that... but I can't remember anymore. I just knew that I didn't want any sort of sexualized relationship between the guardians and their wards, it was to be more... simple but also much more complex.

with love - M

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sketch Diary: Colored Calm Grace

Here's the original sketch. I zoned out and didn't scan it after inking it, oops. I used a brush pen for some of the lines but ultimately went back to my microns. I just need more control sometimes. The problem is me, not the brush pen haha. Also, was having a really hard time with the skin blending. Yeesh. What NOT to do.

with love - M

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sketch Diary: Inked fin-tastic mermaid

I liked her so I inked her. She's on nicer paper so I'm looking forward to coloring her. What is with this mermaid kick... gotta get it out of my system! Could take years... haha or eternity.

with love - M

Friday, June 24, 2016

Sketch Diary: Inked crow practice, perched

If I remember correctly, I drew this little dude in Japan while looking at crows IRL (in real life). I was so impressed with myself at the time because I don't draw from life like maybe I should. Still love him though. Finally got around to inking him to practice my inking skills more. He's actually on nice paper so I might color him too. Might go crazy and make him a psychedelic crow or some such haha.

with love - M

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Sketch Diary: TBT - Colored redhead like fire

Soooooo old! This is from 2005?! Madness. Still kinda love it though. Always grateful to that first set of Prismacolor markers. The didn't like to blend much but the colors were bold and I learned a lot before saving up for my Copic set in 2009. Of course now I like to go back and use crappy materials sometimes because they help challenge certain skills. So... irony.

Use what you have, people! With enough patience/practice and a little ingenuity, you can make art out of anything.

with love - M

Note for my own sake - this was inspired by Catherine! She's one of the few true redheads I know. Thanks for being fabulous, Cath!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sketch Diary: Curved figure practice

Some simply figure sketches I did to loosen up my hand before moving onto something more complex. Sometimes my hand gets really tight and my lines don't flow like I want them to but some quick swooshy figures and all is well.

with love - M

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sketch Diary: Colored Harpy Priestess

I really enjoyed coloring this sketch. It had a lot of potential to go sideways on me. I think she turned out ok though.

with love - M

Monday, June 20, 2016

Sketch Diary: Inked Snake Wedding

Took some time to ink this older sketch so I can keep up with practicing my coloring with my Copics. I'm excited to practice coloring the translucent fabric hanging off her headpiece. Should be a good challenge.

with love - M

Friday, June 17, 2016

Sketch Diary: Daniel Craig from Spectre Ad Fanart

So along with drawing more of whatever pops into my head, I'm also pushing myself to do more live sketches (or at least from photos) of people, animals, places, etc. For this sketch, I picked out an Ad I saw for Spectre (I think it was in Vogue magazine). He's just chillin', adjusting his tie and suit jacket, but looking very serious and confident while doing so.

Being a pretty quick sketch (I did not grid the photo or anything like that, just eyeballed it), I'm please with how far I got before some of the proportion problems started to become too problematic to continue. The first thing Joel noticed was that forhead being too tall (or not tall enough? I forget not). Next sketch I do like this, I might do a basic grid just to make sure I have the right bits where they're supposed to be. I don't think I'll EVER have the patience to do those super lifelike pencil portraits but bless those people that do. Bless their little hearts.

with love - M

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sketch Diary: TBT - Colored kinda 2 dudes posing

Like my mishmash title there? Well that's all this is. I don't recall having any real characters in mind here. Nor did I even bother to finish coloring this a the time, way back in August 2010. Just another sketch in a sea of sketches. This was rare, however, because they were distinguishable as dudes. Drawing ladies all the time made me pretty good at ladies but dude bodies were/are a challenge.

with love - M

Friday, June 10, 2016

Sketch Diary: Inked harpy priestess

Inking it up over here. Inkin' inkin' inkin'. I actually just started coloring this since taking this photo so I'm really excited to share the WIP.

Feel free to color this if you like it! Send me a link so I can see! Please credit me (don't pretend it's your drawing, dude).

with love - M

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Sketch Diary: TBT - Lounging elves

Roll back to 2010 again. These girls were from a serious of drawings where I was playing with this elf idea. They eventually had clothes that were attached to their bodies sort of - like a jewel was a part of their bodies and the cloth would attach to the jewel and drape accordingly. the green hair with yellow highlights was appealing at the time, too.

I love the figure on the right, not so much the one on the left. But I was having fun playing with poses and body angles.

with love - M

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sketch Diary: Fin-tastic mermaid

Man I was so pleased with myself when I sketched this hah. I still like it! But of course, given time, now I'm seeing all the things that didn't quite work. It was a fun sketch though, from the ends of her hairs to the tip of her tail.

Heh I wish I had a torso that long.

with love - M

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sketch Diary: Colored mermaid with fiasco necklace

I should probably come up with character names... or at least something better than 'mermaid with fiasco necklace' hah. Well here she is! All colored up but floating in oblivion. It was late when I finished this a few nights ago and didn't add a background at the time. After pondering a bit, I decided to leave the background alone for now.

I'm just glad she turned out as well as she did. Things were looking shakey with those scales. But I'm okay with how it turned out. A good lesson in taking a chance on something and making it work.

with love - M

Monday, June 6, 2016

Sketch Diary: Playing with color in a portrait

My second quickie sketch with the new Wacom. Playing with some colors and shading but ultimately, I got frustrated because I don't understand how to adjust the brushes and levels how I want yet to get the effect that I want. Basically, I want to paint watercolor or copic markers digitally.

with love - M

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Sketch Diary: TBT - colored baby sphinxes

D'aw aren't they cute. This is an old doodle from 2010 on a postcard size cardstock. I used copics for this but I definitely didn't know what I was doing.

with love - M

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sketch Diary: Inking of mermaid with fiasco necklace

Found my waterproof inking pens! Let's get to work! Feel free to color this in if you like it - just please credit me (don't claim it as your own drawing, dude) and send me a link! I wanna see!

with love - M