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Update 01-04-2018: I did it! I uploaded for Inktober 2017! Well, I'm still uploading for it. But that's because I want to hit my go...

Friday, October 27, 2017

Inktober: Some fav artists and thoughts on failure

This being the first year that I've done Inktober, I wanted to take a moment to break from my barrage of drawings and talk about some other artists also working hard at their Inktober drawings. I also want to take a moment to discuss my thoughts on failure and why it's a good thing but more on that later.

First, let's give round of snaps to all the artists out there putting out drawings for Inktober! Even if you only did one drawing this month, it still counts! There are so many wonderful artists out there! It feels great to through my lot into the mix. Now I want to talk about some of the artists that are killing it this Inktober.

Heikala @heikala_art
The artwork below is the one that got me hooked on this artist. Really reminds me of Ghibli style art because it's so transporting. It's a whole scene! Not just a character. They also do great process videos so you can see how they ink each piece! Very inspiring and helpful.
vickiscream @vickisigh
I just love this artist's use of colors. Each piece has that little spark of personality, very important to me.
Sibylline M @Sibylline_M
What's not to love! The line quality, the colors, ...those buns!

And that's it for now! I'm finding new fabulous artists everyday so I might do another post like this after Inktober wraps up.

Now about what I said about failure - Last year was when I first discovered Inktober, though I did some sketches with the hopes of inking some before the end of October... it didn't happen. I was left feeling poopy about not putting up a single inked drawing even thought being a part of Inktober was clearly something I really wanted. But I guess I just wasn't ready. I suffer from some pretty lame imposter syndrome stuff.

But I've been working hard at it all year. When this October came around, I was ready this time. I had created an environment at home where my pens and sketch books were easily accessed, where I had a clear desk and lap drawing table so that I could easily grab a sketch book and get to it whenever I was able to make a moment for myself. And that first day when I inked a drawing, it was the best feeling in the world. I scanned that thing and threw it up on the internet and BAM! I was already a step ahead of where I was last year.

Listen, all I'm saying is be kind to yourselves. I see and hear so much self-deprecation about not drawing 'enough'. I've seen artists that draw constantly but barely progress an inch and I've seen others that draw here and there, spend more time observing and doing training instead of drawing their own works, and they jump light years ahead in their art skills. And neither of those paths is wrong! There's a million different ways to 'be an artist'. For me, I know I'd rather love myself and do my art for me first and foremost. I can only do what I can do in any given day. And I need to recognize that I make the art, it doesn't make me. (I'm saying it like that because yes, I STILL struggle with it).

Seeing all these other wonderful artists out there being so successful at drawing daily for Inktober can be rough. Especially if we carry ourselves with the attitude of 'I'm not doing what they're doing so I must be failing'.

Whatever you're able to do, in that moment, is enough. Even if you just sat down on the couch and stared at a blank page for 10 minutes and drew a circle. Even if you glanced longingly at your sketch book from afar. It's what you could do so it's enough. I'm a big believer that tomorrow is a new day and another chance so give yourself a hug, get some rest, and try to make time for yourself tomorrow.

with love - M

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