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List of Monthly Drawing Challenges for WHOLE Year

Update 01-04-2018: I did it! I uploaded for Inktober 2017! Well, I'm still uploading for it. But that's because I want to hit my go...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Photography- Kristy unicycle series

This is a quick update on some goings on. Last weekend I took some fun shots of a friend in Philly and ended up really enjoying them. I tried to pay closer attention to lighting and placement as well as the arrangement of all the lines in the background, metal poles and so on. Kristy was a great sport and I hope I'll be able to do something like this again in the near future.

In my self promotion sector I've hit a snag on getting new business cards, unfortunately. I thought I was all settled on the logo and then name of my design group and then... well you know how it goes. I'm now brainstorming once more for that perfect fit. The name above all names that fits my niche. How do you sum up a person or an entity? It's such a daunting task. The best part is that I have such an easy (I say easy but I mean easier, creating an identity should never be simple) time helping other people create their image. And yet here I am, walking into imaginary walls and clear glass doors in my head.

Moving on, I have made interesting strides in the craft area of my existence. I haven't really created anything fine art in nature but instead have turned to knitting and light sewing. There's some animal inside me that can't resist the lure of touching fabrics and yarns, evaluating them for different purposes and than creating something from that purpose. I would akin it to giving birth but I have no idea what that's like so we'll leave that alone.

Till next time, thanks for following.

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